Language Basics


Expression-Based Language

Snail is an expression-based language. Most constructs in snail are expressions, and every expression has a value and an associated type. This can be a little confusing for programmers with familiarity of languages with statements (such as C, Java, or Python) where certain control structures do not have values. For example, an if expression in snail produces a value and can thus be used as part of an assignment expression (akin to the ternary operator in other languages).

// name will either have the value of preDefinedName 
// or prompt the user for a name
let name = if (predefined) {
} else {
    print_string("Enter your name: ");

Implicit Returns

There is no return keyword in snail. The last expression in a block or method definition is the returned value.

let fourteen = {
    let x = 7;
    let y = 2;
    // x * y is the implicit return of this block
    x * y;

Dynamic Typing

Snail programs are dynamically typed. This means that the type of any variable in a snail program is the type of the value most recently assigned to it. This can make for more rapid prototyping, but it can also lead to unusual errors when programming. For example, attempting to add an integer and string will result in a runtime error:

let foo = 3 + "hello";
// runtime error


All values in snail are objects that are defined by some class. Snail programs may contain multiple classes, but all names must be unique. Create a class with the class keyword:

class Person {
    let first_name = "";
    let last_name = "";

    init(first, last) {
        first_name = first;
        last_name = last;

    get_first() {

    get_last() {

Values of the Person type may now be constructed in other places in the code:

    let p = new Person;
    p.init("Jane", "Doe");

By convention, class names begin with a capital letter, but any valid identifier may be used. Note that classes may not have the same name as a built-in type.

The body of a class definition consists of a list of member variable and method definitions. Member variables and methods may share the same names; snail differentiates between these two features of a class.

Note that there is no initializer method that is called automatically when an object is constructed. Only the member variables are initialized (either to default values or to the value of the expression in the declaration). In the example above, the init method must be called explicitly. Note that this method returns a reference to itself thereby allowing an object to be created, initialized, and assigned in one line of code:

let p = (new Person).init("Dorothy", "Vaughan");

Member Variables

Member variables are prefixed by the let keyword. They may be given an initial value (using an assignment expression) or may be left uninitialized. Uninitialized variables have a value of void and generally cannot be used.

An object may refer to itself using the self identifier.


A method is a function that has access to the member variables of an instance of the class (i.e., a particular object). Methods consist of a name, a list of parameters, and a body. Method names must be unique within a class.

Given an value p of type Person (from the example above), we can set values for the first- and last-names by calling the init method of p:

p.init("Jane", "Doe")

This is an object-oriented dispatch on object p. There may be different implementations of init in various classes of the snail program. Snail looks up the class of object p and executes the version most closely associated with this class.

In this particular example, the values of "Jane" and "Doe" and passed to the method and are bound to variables first and last, respectively. Methods are called by value in snail, meaning a shallow copy of each value is made and provided to the method.


Classes may form a hierarchy in snail. To inherit all of the member variables and methods from another class in the program, add the parent class’s name following a colon after the class definition:

class Student : Person {
    let id = 0;

    init(first, last, s_id) {
        self@Person.init(first, last);
        id = s_id;

    get_id() {

In this example, Student values will have all of the data and methods of a Person. In addition, they store information about an id. If a member variable or method in a deriving class shares the same name as feature in the parent class, then the feature in the derived class takes precedence.

If a class does not specify its parent, then that class inherits from Object, which is a special class (that has no parent). A class may only inherit from a single class. The parent-child relationship forms a graph. Program behavior is undefined if this graph contains cycles.

Main Class

All snail programs must contain a Main class that defines a main() method. The main method may be inherited from a parent of Main, but this is not common.

Program execution begins by evaluating (new Main).main().

Built-In Classes

Snail comes with several built-in classes to provide basic functionality. Programs may not redefine these classes. For detailed information about provided classes, see Built-In Classes.

Basic Expression Types

Snail supports many of the expression types found in modern programming languages. All expression types are described below.


Arithmetic is supported on values of type Int (64-bit integers) in snail. First exp1 is evaluated and then exp2. These two values are then combined using the standard arithmetic operation and this result is the result of the expression. Arithmetic produces a value of type Int. Note that snail only has integer division.

exp1 + exp2 // addition
exp1 - exp2 // subtraction
exp1 * exp2 // multiplication
exp1 / exp2 // division


Snail has three comparison operations: <, <=, and ==. These comparisons apply to sub-expressions of any types using the following rules:

  • If both sub-expressions are Int, then standard arithmetic comparison is used
  • If both sub-expressions are String, then lexicographic comparison is used
  • If both sub-expressions are Bool, then false < true
  • If both sub-expressions are void, they are equal

On all other types, equality is decided by pointer value. If two values share the same space in memory, they are equal.

Comparisons produce Bool values.

exp1 < exp2
exp1 <= exp2
exp1 == exp2

Unary Expressions

To negate a number in snail, the ~ operator is used. This may only be used on a value of type Int.

To negate a value of type Bool use the ! operator. This will produce a Bool of the opposite value.

    // Integer negation

    // Boolean negation

    if (!false) {
        print_string("this will print");
    } else {

Local Variables

The let keyword is used to declare variables in snail. If let is used in the body of a method (or on the right side of a member variable declarations), it creates a local variable. The value of a let expression is the value of the right hand side.

    let salutation = "hello";
    let points = 10;

A local variable is in scope from its declaration to the end of the scope. Scopes in snail are created using blocks (denoted by curly braces). Scopes can nest, meaning that an inner block has access to all of the local variables of the outer block.

Variables may also be redefined within an inner scope. As soon as control leaves this scope, however, the previous value is restored. This is known as variable shadowing.

    let x = 10;
    let y = 2;
        let y = 34;
        print_int(x + y);
    print_int(x + y);

    // will output: 4412

Variable Assignment

Once a variable has been declared (either as a member variable or locally), its value may be updated using an assignment expression. The right hand side of the expression is evaluated and replaces the original value for the variable. It is an error to assign to a variable that has not previously been declared. Because snail is dynamically typed, the variable will have the type of the most recent assignment.

    let x = 3;
    x = "foo";

Constructing Objects

The new keyword constructs a value of the specified type. This expression returns the newly-constructed value. Snail separates out constructor method from the initial creation of an object, so only the default values for members variables are set initially.

new Person

Checking if an Object is void

Programs may use an isvoid expression to determine if an value is void. The expression evaluates to true if the contained expression is void and evaluates to false otherwise.



Sequences of expressions may be grouped together with a block expression. These are also used for the body of methods, conditionals, and loops. Expressions are evaluated from top-to-bottom (left-to-right). The value of a block is the value of the last expression in the block. Each expression in a block is terminated by a semicolon. Note that this means that if and while expressions are also terminated by semicolons.



The semantics of conditional expressions is standard. The predicate is evaluated first. If the predicate is true, then the then branch is evaluated, otherwise the else branch is evaluated. The value produced by the conditional is the value of the evaluated branch. Both branches of the if expression are treated as blocks of code (and thus each expression contained within the braces needs a semicolon).

if (condition predicate) {
} else {


Snail supports while-style loops. The loop guard (predicate) is evaluated before each iteration of the loop. If the predicate is ever false, the loop terminates and a void value is produced. If the predicate is true, the body of the loop is evaluated and the process repeats. The body of the while expression is treated as a block of code (and thus each expression needs to be terminated with a semicolon).

while (guard) {


Dispatch, or method calls, have three supported formats. Dynamic dispatch calls a method on another value. The number of arguments in a dispatch must match the number of parameters in the method definition.

First, each of the arguments is evaluated from left to right. These values are then stored in the parameters of the target value’s method. Then, the value of the target object is determined. Inheritance rules are used to determine the method that is selected. Finally, the body of this method is evaluated, producing the value of this dispatch.

If the reference implementation detects an inheritance cycle during a dispatch, it will exit with an error.

exp.method(arg1, ..., argn);

Static dispatch allows the programmer to select a method from a specific class in a value’s inheritance chain. Class B must be in the inheritance graph of exp.

// Assuming exp inherits from type B, 
// call method that is defined in class B
exp@B.method(arg1, ..., argn);

Self dispatch is a shortcut to allow calling a method on the current self object.

// Call method on the current object
method(arg1, ..., argn);


Snail also supports an array data type for storing contiguous blocks of values in memory. Arrays are fixed-size—the size must be specified on instantiation and cannot be changed. To change the size of an array, a new array must be created.

It is recommended that Arrays only store one type of data, but the type system will allow for any type of data to be stored.

Constructing Arrays

Arrays are constructed using a variation of the new expression, which includes the size of the array in square brackets. The following creates an array that stores ten (10) values. Note that this syntax is only valid for the Array class. Initially, an array is constructed with all void values.

let myArray = new[10] Array;

Accessing Values

Values are stored contiguously in an array and can be accessed by placing an integer index value inside of square brackets after an identifier. Arrays in snail are zero-indexed meaning that the valid indices for an array of length \(n\) are \(0 \leqslant i < n\).

    myArray[0] = 10;
    myArray[9] = 9;

Unicode Support

The snail language supports unicode characters in string and a subset of unicode for identifiers. The reference implementation supports source files with UTF-8 encoding.

Snail supports “XID” identifiers per the unicode identifier specification.

class Main : IO {
    let π = "3.14159";

    main() {
        print_string("The value of π is: ");
